Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Top 5 Moves to Beat a Defender

Hey its Joel again. Do you want to be able to beat defenders with ease this season? Do you want to have the best 1 v 1 skills in your team? Well I have some good news now you can. I made this video to help you guys have the most effective skills.

Here take a look ------------------------------->>>

Now I know what your saying," I got better skills than him or I can make a better video". Well I will start making better videos. Anyways these moves are proven to beat any defender, from your rec league opponent to Sergio Ramos or Puyol .

If you want to be better at football/soccer you have to put in the work. Are you truly working every day to improve you skills? Are you really not making excuses to train  at least an hour a day?
And to finish think about this," What are you going to do today to make you a better player tomorrow" - Joel Morales

Thank for reading guys. Subscribe, like, share, and follow me on the below addresses because it truly does motivate me to make more post and better videos. Please comment what you want to see next and as always Train Hard.

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