Saturday, July 20, 2013

3 Tips To Play Better This Season

    Hey guys its Joel. Today i want to share 3 football/soccer tips to improve your game. What ever your goal is in this game, you will succeed with these tips.
                                                               Tip #1- No Excuses
I honestly used to always say" I will train tomorrow." When i finally learned to stop making excuses, I saw my football results sky rocket because I learned to live in the present. So if you want to become better player STOP MAKING EXCUSES!!! You don't need fancy equipment all you need is a ball.

                                                               Tip #2-Play Quicker
Every time you go practice you have to play quicker. You have to act like if you were in a real game situation. This means when your practicing shooting, Can you do it quicker?  When your passing and receiving against a wall, Can you do it quicker?  When your dribbling, Can you do it quicker. Playing quickly will help you be prepared for real life defenders sprinting at you.

                                                                Tip #3-Mentality
How many times have you beaten yourself up for a bad shot or move? How many times have you said to yourself "You better not mess up!!" You most likely did mess up because you were not being positive. I know I have done this in the past. It all comes down to mentality. For example Messi. This guy is the best because he always talks to himself positively and learns from his mistakes. If you want to get anywhere in this game it comes down to mentality. If you talk to yourself positively and learn from your mistakes I promise you that you will become a better player. 

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